True Sister Freak

Sister Freaks Introduction

This is a study based off the book, " Sister Freaks" by: Rebecca St. James...however, the goal in mind is to take it off the pages and into our hearts.

Join us every tuesday for a new story, and reflection....

I pray it blesses you:)


Friday, September 14, 2007

Sister Freak Study Day 1: Karen Watson

" Sister Freaks Study" Day 1

Karen Watson, " No Regrets""

Karen Watson entered a war zone because she loved Jesus. She knew the risks.

News reports in early 2004 were riddled with American casualties in recently liberated Iraq. Car bombs blew in convoy trucks. Suicide bombers targeted civilians. Ambushes occurred weekly. "

A scripture was on Karen's heart, and she heard a voice from within," Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, " Whom shall I send, and whom will go for us?"Her answer echoed the words of Isaiah's, " Then I said, " Here I am, send me." ( Isa. 6:8)

Imagine being in a war like she was, imagine waking up each day knowing that anything could happen.

One hour she could be talking to a friend, the next hour that same friend could have lost his/her life.

One moment she could see a blue sky, the next nothing but black.

Karen found Christ as a teenager, after having years of grief from losing several relatives;her dad, grandmother, and her fiance' died in a two-year period.

The pain of that past brought her close to Jesus.

She knew early on after that she wanted to be a missionary for Christ; and would take the toughest climates.

She was accepted by IMB( International Mission Board), and was sent to Jordan for refugee relief. After they didn't show up, she was then sent to Iraq.

Everyday while she was there, some act of violence happened.

Bomb after bomb, shooting after shooting.She would call her family everyday to let them know she was okay.

One day, they didn't hear from her.

March 15, 2004, Karen lost her life while driving in a car that was overcome with automatic weapons and grenades.

She died instantly.

After she died, her pastor, Phil Neighbors opened a letter she had written him, advising him not to open it unless she died.It was a letter I am sure wasn't all that easy to open and read.

" Dear Pastor Phil, and Pastor Roger,

You should only be reading this letter in the event of my death.
When God calls there are no regrets.
I tried to share my heart with you, my heart for the nations.
I wasn't called to a place. I was called to Him.
To obey was my objective, to suffer was expected, His glory was my reward, His glory is my reward.

One of the most important things to remember right now is to preserve the work. I am writing this as if I am working,(in the mission field)

I thank you all so much for your prayers and support. Surely, your reward in heaven will be great. Thank you for investing in my life and spiritual well-being. Keep sending missionaries and keep raising fine pastors.

In regards, to any service, keep it small and simple. Yes, simple,
Just preach the gospel, If Jason Buss is available or his dad, have them sing a pretty song.
Be bold an preach the life serving, life changing, forever eternal GOSPEL.
Give glory and honor to our Father.

I once read in " Missionary Heart. "

Care more than some think is wise.
Risk more than some think is safe.
Dream more than some think is practical.
Expect more than some think is possible.

I was called not to comfort or success, but obedience.
There is no joy outside of knowing Jesus and serving Him.

I love you two, and my church family,

In His care,


Karen spent her life being a dedicated follower for Jesus, she knew what it meant to step out of her comfort zone, and lead a life that was not her own.

I can't imagine what she thought when the bullet pierced her body, knowing she was being pierced, just like Jesus.

Psalm 27:3-4

Though a host encamp against me,
my heart will not fear
though a war rise against me
in spite of this, i shall be confident
One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek
That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life
To behold the beauty of the Lord, and meditate in His temple.


Here you will have a chance to answer some questions that ask about your own heart as a servant for Jesus. The questions will change each week.

If you feel there are some too personal for the site, then answer the ones that you can.

Be Blessed:) You are doing great!

1. After reading Karen's story, do you feel like you need to change the way you serve God's people? Why or why not? How will you take those steps?

2. Share about a person you know with a true Servant heart?

3. What would your letter be if you knew you may not make it back to your loved ones? What would you say about being a Christian? How you feel you've lived your life?

4. Pray about the war zones that go on in your world daily, ask the Holy Spirit to intercede in a situation that is holding you down.

5. When was the last time you were asked out of your comfort zone?


Profbaugh said...

You're doing this AND Disciple 1???? Where do you find the time??

Seriously, this looks like a very cool book. I'm going to have to check it out.

P.S. I did Disciple 1 a year ago. It's really, really LONG!!! Hang in there with it though. There's a some good stuff and of course you'll get really close to your fellow Disciple 1 group members.


sammie said...

Hello, this is my first time to one of your sites. I love this!! What a great idea!!! I will be a Tuesday sojourner for sure. Its a powerful study and I feel many will be blessed by it.

Little Steps Of Faith said...

and here are my answers to start us off:)

1. After reading Karen's story it definitely made me do a servant heart check, and humbled me so much that I probably would sign up for anything right now:)
I am taking little steps and signed up to help with the Thanksgiving feast for the less fortunate.

2. A true servant: My friend Kim; she has never served God by obligation; even in the toughest times of her life, and knowing that keeps me motivated:)

3. Wow, didn't realize how tough to answer this would be; sorry ladies.

I think my letter would say something like this:

Dear loved ones,

I am not sure I'll be back to share with you more of my heart, and my journey, but I can promise you that all of you have been a treasure in my heart from the beginning.

I was never a perfect Christian, and never a perfect person, but neither one exists anyway.

I was someone who attempted to get close.

I would say if I was labeled in this life, it would say I was an artist, some people loved me, some didn't.

But I was loved.

I take with me not words written on paper, but words written on my heart, I take with me not my ipod, but the songs echoeing in my soul.

Everything I lived for, was worth it.

If you read this, and your not a believer, know that God loves you so much, and He loves you above the bad stuff; and He is waiting for you, with open arms, more open than any human on this earth.

Afterall things of this Earth, are temporary, God lasts forever, like a fragrance that sits on your shoulder. Reminding you of every attribute that He is.

I write this letter, because I have a story, I write this letter, because speaking up about what God can do in others lives, for the sake of HIS glory, is what we should do, is what is called of us.

So remember me, not as a good writer, and not as a good talker, remember my heart, remember that the only good of me, is because of what lies inside...Jesus.

4.personal prayer

5. These last couple weeks, and they have been amazing.


this is my first site and the story is amazing..
It is made me think of beining a servent for God.
But I have to get my heart colser to God.
Be blessed..

Anonymous said...

I'm learning from FC, that serving God's people, may mean serving His potential people as well...He is so impressing on me that while it is good to meet with believers, and not forsake the meeting of the brethren, we are to go and seek and save the lost. What good does it do to hear the word, yet keep it to your self? We are to go to the tough places and the tough people and allow God to speak through us....

2. My girl Tam, she is everything from Proverbs 31 woman to hilarious confidant...everything you could need rolled into one...I'm very blessed with her by my side.

3. I'm writing in my journal.... ;)

4. I do every day, our son is military...

5 Again, it would be FC, to me it's more preparation for ministry to you!

God's girl said...

Wow-great start and I love these stories.

1-I yearn for this kind of life. Instead I get being in the belt buckle of the Bible belt. I suppose it is for a reason. To be a great servant here even though I have a hard time with it. I guess if anything it convicts me of having a bigger servant's heart where I am at. Too many people play church here in this area of the country but God has called me here for some reason to make a difference. I should not long for something different but serve where He has placed me.

2. My spiritual mom Pat has such a big servants heart. She is constantly praying, teaching, helping, and pouring her life out for others. I also have some on the field missionary friends who do the same.

3. Hard question but I guess it would be something like:
Do grieve too long for we will see each other again if you know Jesus. Live with no regrets for Him. Live passionately and zealous for Him. Have no regrets. He is so worth it. A life of obedience is better than anything else. Above all else Love like there is no tomorrow it may be all you need to reach others for His glory.
See you soon if you know Him-make sure you know Him. All my love,

4.Lord, break down the spirit of pharisee I see all around me. Help me love and bring glory to your name in this place. Help us just be real with one another and you.

5.I am asked out of my comfort zone most often! However, tuesday night I am teaching middle schoolers so please pray. This will probably be the most intimidating call yet! :)

Wow-great questions-just trying to be real. Thanks Angie for doing this!
Much love,